In Health, Go For The Roots

Kudzu is on my hillside. I cut it back, but it just regrows. Hmmmmm, I guess if I wanna resolve the issue, I gotta get to the roots.

Chronic health issues. Take some prescriptions. But then, it regrows. So take some more? You know it’s gonna be an issue, until you get to the roots.

I see what conventional medicine does with illness; heck, I’m Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Been there; done that. Give the issue a name, like Fibromyalgia or Diabetes, then throw the latest and greatest BigPharma pills at it. Not gone yet? Here, have some more.

How long will this take? Well, how long ya got? These pills aren’t designed to be stopped – just continue until you need even more. Isn’t that a great business model? Just treat the symptoms, not the cause of the illness. Return business guaranteed. Sure, go ahead and give that kudzu a trim. It doesn’t really mind; in fact, it may spread out even better.

Those darn roots. The worst part, really, is that many of the root causes of illness don’t even have a pill that can snip them anyway. Where is that dang pill for my apathetic and sedentary lifestyle? For too many hours staring at screens? For lousy eating habits that just satisfy my momentary ease and gluttony? For all that repetitive stinkin’ thinkin’? For my lifelong accumulation of industrialized toxins?

Other root causes are invisible to conventional medical thinking: Toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury? Thyroid or adrenal issues? Gender hormone imbalances? Chronic reactivated infections like Mono? Nutritional deficiencies of vitamins or minerals? Gut yeast or food allergies?   Gosh, I don’t see them turning those rocks over to look for roots.

Nope, even the very best physicians cannot possibly write you prescriptions from BigPharma to reverse any of these roots, and especially not in a 7-minute visit. What to do?

There is hope. You still can find the experienced and knowledgeable guide and mentor that you need to get to these roots, both the roots you keep replanting yourself, and also the roots hiding underneath all of those unturned stones. There is indeed a cause for your suffering, so keep digging until you get at it all. Now is the time to pull them all up, and start planting new roots for nurturing your future optimal health. That’s how you reclaim your health. Don’t despair, but do start now!


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