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Stress Is Good For You

Did you know that we can’t build muscle mass if we don’t first “stress” our muscles by tearing them down a bit so that they can rebuild bigger and stronger? This is one example of how a positive (mild) stressor can help make us more resilient.

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Sleep Hygiene For Optimal Immunity

There are some leading theories. Number one of which is that we sleep in order to dump toxins. There's good evidence that we have these pores on the cell membranes of our brain cells, of our neurons, that when we're in certain stages of sleep, they enlarge up to 10 fold and we dump toxins from metabolic waste, basically from all the activity.

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Cold All The Time? Listen To This.

The second thing to understand is, again, that the 'average' is not 'normal'. Now, this Doctor put theories about why the average temperature has dropped and it is true that the average temperature is dropped. And they're coming up with theories because she's an infectious disease doctor, she's come up with theories related to infectious disease that we have now, less information because we're less inflamed and less infected than back then

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The Trouble With PANDAS

The pediatric disorder known as PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated With Streptococcus) is difficult to treat, and often overlooked when it comes to a diagnosis.

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5 Triggers Of Immune Dysfunction

Ideally, our immune system is well balanced and responds accordingly. But, with the stressful reality of our modern world, we see more and more hyperactive and hypoactive responses that are leading to various other diseases.

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Asthma Turn-Arounds With Oral Immunotherapy

Asthma is a narrowing of the airways, caused by both excessive contractions of the smooth muscles around the airways, as well as excess mucous inside the airways. When these two factors combine, our airways, or bronchi, get too tight for air to flow thru properly.

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Why Your Doctor Can’t Help You

Conventional medicine leans heavily towards an idiopathic viewpoint. This means that instead of asking why a certain condition is surfacing, instead of getting curious and discovering why health has shifted towards disease, the conventional view remains: “Well, there’s an issue here, but we have no idea what’s caused it. So, here’s a medication for the symptoms.”

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Ending Your Love Affair With Sugar

Today, the average American consumes over 100 POUNDS of sugar in a year. That’s over 5 times more sugar per day than is considered “within healthy” guidelines. Is it any wonder that we’re experiencing an un-changing rise in heart disease, obesity, type II diabetes, cancer, and other preventable diseases?

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Weight Loss Is Everything You THINK It Is.

Our first thoughts are often lazy ones. The brain does not want to burn calories on building new neuropathways…we must make it perform that act. So, the next time you catch yourself thinking, “it’s so hard to lose weight”, think again.

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These 3 Things About Detoxing Are KEY.

Detoxing has become a word most commonly used when talking about diets. There are numerous products and fads labeled ‘detox’ that you can purchase today in the hopes of becoming less toxic. Let’s get one thing straight here…there is no diet, pill or mud-wrap that will ‘detoxify’ us.

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Surprising Costs Of Conventional Medicine

Over the last 100 years, medicine has shifted its focus from disease prevention and health support, to disease and symptom management. This shift in focus cost the U.S. over $4 trillion in 2015. It cost us far more than that though. We have been paying with our lives.

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Dangers of Low H2O Intake

Most people don’t realize they are chronically dehydrated, just like they don’t realize that they are chronically stressed. The early signs and symptoms are things that we consider “normal” discomforts…something that we take an over-the-counter med for. Those headaches, the poor night of sleep, the things you can’t remember, your attention span…these could all be symptoms of dehydration.

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In Health, Go For The Roots

Those darn roots. The worst part, really, is that many of the root causes of illness don’t even have a pill that can snip them anyway. Where is that dang pill for my apathetic and sedentary lifestyle? For too many hours staring at screens? For lousy eating habits that just satisfy my momentary ease and gluttony? For all that repetitive stinkin’ thinkin’? For my lifelong accumulation of industrialized toxins?

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Warming Winter Comfort Food

What is a warming food? Obviously, the food itself can hold thermal heat well, such as soups, stews, and heavier or mashed foods. But spiciness can warm us from the inside-out too.

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Thyroid: A Simple Hormone Fix

Did you know that 60% of people with a thyroid disease are unaware of that they have the condition? The thyroid’s primary nourishment needed to produce vital hormones comes from iodine…which means that we want to make sure we have enough iodine in our diet to support the thyroid.

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Breast thermography is an overlooked tool in the quest to detect breast cancer earlier. It is attractive because it is noninvasive, inexpensive, comfortable, and does not compress or irradiate the breasts.

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Toxic Metals: Pandora’s Box

Toxic Metals — Pandora’s Box Toxic heavy metals, including lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic, may be the biggest health threat of the new millennium. Heavy metals originate within the Earth. However, we have opened Pandora’s Box by spreading these toxic metals throughout our environment.

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